Empowering Achievements: Navigating the Path to Success

Dear Ghana Innov8 Community, As we approach the end of the year, it’s a good time to reflect on our journey and look ahead to what’s next. Achieving our goals, whether big or small, is a journey filled with ups and downs. Let’s talk about making our path to success simple and empowering. 1. Setting […]

Reflections on a Successful Summit and Gala: Connecting & Building Bridges

ghana professionals in usa event

The Ghana Innov8 Summit and Gala was a resounding success, bringing together Ghanaians from diverse professional backgrounds and locations to celebrate their heritage, share their knowledge, and inspire each other. The day began with a thought-provoking keynote speech from Joe Darko, founder of Ghana Innov8 Inc., who challenged attendees to think big and make a […]

Ghana Innov8 2022 Summit Overview

Ghana Innov8’s first in-person summit titled, “Wealth: More than a Mindset” was held on September 3rd, 2022 at Atlanta Tech Village. Our team welcomed over 60 Ghanaian professionals to network and listen to experts in various fields share what they learned about wealth from every aspect – professionally, mentally, financially, and technologically. We kicked off […]

Achieving Your Most Ambitious Goals

With the start of a new year, our conversations revolve around marginal adjustments to our lifestyle routines that can develop us personally and professionally. Here are a few key nuggets to keep in mind as you embark on achieving your most ambitious goals for the year ahead Setting clear goals: The start of a new […]

Positively Awesome Mental Awareness Tips for Ghanaians in the Diaspora

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people will struggle with a mental illness at some point during their lives. Seeking mental health care is stigmatized within many black communities, and just one in three Africans who struggle with mental health issues will ever receive appropriate treatment.  For instance, in our Ghanaian […]

Bringing Financial Literacy To Ghanaians In The Diaspora

Diasporan Teammates, The time is now to invest your time in building and developing your financial IQ, level the information playing field and break down barriers that exist in our world. With April being recognized as the national financial literacy month, we thought we would share the top three ways you can boost your ‘financial […]

5 Powerful Ways To Support Women

“I think women have a unique talent for being able to see the forest and the trees at the same time” – Bozoma Saint John During this women’s special month, we would like to highlight some gorgeous Ghanaian women doing amazing things in the diaspora. And enjoy our newsletter on powerful ways to support women […]