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Ghana Innov8 2022 Summit Overview

Ghana Innov8’s first in-person summit titled, “Wealth: More than a Mindset” was held on September 3rd, 2022 at Atlanta Tech Village. Our team welcomed over 60 Ghanaian professionals to network and listen to experts in various fields share what they learned about wealth from every aspect – professionally, mentally, financially, and technologically.

Our awesome team kept the energy high, giving guests a white glove experience. Every registered guest received a branded Ghana Innov8 tote bag, a notebook, writing materials, breakfast, and catered lunch.

We kicked off the summit with our keynote speaker Dr. Hans Boateng, The Investing Tutor. He gave an overview of how to grow wealth through investments, cryptocurrency, and entrepreneurship. Our guests raised questions to ask Dr. Hans about the climate of the economy and how to make their money work for them.  

Pictured above is Dr. Hans meeting with a guest during the speed networking session.

Ghana Innov8’s programming team created ways to make this in-person summit fun and interactive. We had a great DJ  that kept everything lively and fun for speakers and guests. During the summit, we hosted fireside chats, provided ice breaker questions for all the guests during the speed networking activity, and held a LinkedIn workshop.

Pictured above is Jessica Afeku ( Microsoft Senior Product Marketing Manager) and Edem Kumodzi (Microsoft Program Manager).

This was our first fireside chat, Build Your Career, Build Your Brand. Both Jessica and Edem answered questions about navigating their career paths while establishing themselves in the tech industry.

Our second fireside chat titled Start Up, Finish Strong: Building a Business featured RoboMUA Founder Emmanuel Acheampong, KPN Consulting CEO Patricia Acheampong, and Real Estate Entrepreneur Lecester Asemnor.

During the chat, all three panelists discussed their journey into entrepreneurship.

Our final fireside chat was titled Mental Health is Mental Wealth. Health experts, Abena Asabea Agyire and Dr. Kwadwo Sarpong discussed the importance of mental health as a working professional. They both opened up about their own professional journeys and debunked the stigma of mental health in the Ghanaian community. 

Learning and networking is always best with good food. We enjoyed a filling Ghanaian meal from our caterer Chef Akua @chefkukuisines

Guests of the summit enjoyed participating in our fireside chats. The summit would not be possible without the participation of all the guests.

Our summit concluded with a Level Up with Linked In with Kojo Terry Oppong. Our guests learned how to use LinkedIn to create a dynamic profile that stands out to recruiters and professionals of their field. 

Our entire Ghana Innov8 team thanks all of our speakers, guests, vendors, and volunteers. You made our first in-person summit a success. 

We can’t wait to serve you all something even better for our 2023 Summit in September! 

*All photos taken by Napolen @n_dynamite

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